Support for Therapists

Virtual Body Doubling

Virtual Body Doubling- Fridays 12 pm to 1 pm

Free - No Commitment Required

Join this casual weekly group to get caught up on notes, administrative tasks, or other business needs

The intention of this group is to create a safe, quiet space for those would benefit from peer accountability by existing in the same space

Please have your mics muted and your camera on/off to your preference. You are welcome share your intentions and reflections in the chat at your discretion for additional accountability!

Wildflower Mental Wellness

Amanda Ruechel MSW, LCSW

Click here to get the link!

Therapist Hiking Group

Are you looking to connect with peers in the private practice world and you enjoy hiking?

Join us for monthly meet ups around Wisconsin for community connections! The purpose of this group is to form connections to those in the private practice world while hiking and enjoying Wisconsin.

Hikes will range in difficulties and length to support different skill sets and accessibility. Optional activities after hikes may include food and/or tea/coffee

Please note this is a group for connection and is not a consultation group

We look forward to hiking with you!

Want to stay connected to know where we are headed next? Email Amanda to get notifications!

Therapist Connections

Are you in the helping profession and want to connect about the private practice world, network, or curious about Wildflower Mental Wellness’ practices and policies?

Feel free to send me a message and I would be happy to talk further!